A Step by Step Guide to hunting in Alberta by Tedd Walcott, Lethbridge Firearms Safety Instructor & Hunting Mentor

1. You need to complete the Alberta Hunter Education Course. Go to AHEIA.com and find the course on the “Online Training” page. Upon completion, you will receive a Hunter Ed number from AHEIA.com.

2. Create an account at albertarelm.com and purchase a virtual WiN card. As soon as you have a WiN, change your sign-in credentials to the WiN number. https://www.albertarelm.com/licensing.page

3. Download and sign in to the albertarelm app on your phone. You need this app!

4. On the first page of your albertarelm.com profile, insert your Hunter Ed number in the correct box at the bottom of the page. Read the 3 questions at the bottom of the page and answer them carefully. Note that not all 3 need to be answered.

5. If you wish to hunt with a rifle or shotgun, obtain a Possession and Acquisition License (PAL). You must take this course in person. Go to PALcourse.ca and register. Upon successful completion of this course, you will be given a course report attesting to your success. That permits you to apply to the Canadian Firearms Program for a firearms license, a PAL. It takes 3-6 months to obtain your PAL. Always apply online if possible. Always. Links are found on the resources page at PALcourse.ca. You may complete this course prior to the Hunter Ed program – it is a separate requirement that has nothing to do with hunting, only firearms possession. https://palcourse.ca/

6. Consider taking the Lethbridge Fish and Game Association “Hunting Draws” workshop presented by PALcourse.ca instructor Tedd Walcott. Here you will learn how to use the licensing system to obtain the hunting license you need to shoot a critter.

You may also take a second workshop “Property Access” to learn how to find a property and obtain hunting permission in southern Alberta.

Follow Lethbridge Fish and Game Association on all social media, sign up for their email and join the LFGA when you have a firearm. They have lots of resources and workshops and people you want to access. https://lfga.club

7. PALcourse.ca instructor Tedd Walcott leads a First-time Mentored Hunt program under the authority of the Alberta Hunter Education Instructors’ Association – AHEIA. Contact him at [email protected] and request more information. This is available to anyone who has never had a big game license in Alberta and is a first-time hunter. It’s free. We supply firearms, ammunition, instruction and practice with the rifle, and then a day of hunting. If you harvest a deer, we teach you to field dress it, retrieve it to the truck, skin it, and you go home that evening with a carcass! Your mentor provides transportation, property access and mentorship, all free to you.

8. If you still have questions, experience challenges you cannot overcome or would like to clarify anything, contact me [email protected] and send me your cell number. I will call you.